Putting Stress to Good Use: The Therapeutic Power of Stress Cooking

Having one of those days when everything seems to go wrong? The toaster caught fire, the power went out, work was chaotic, and you just got a parking ticket. We’ve all been there, and it feels like you might snap at any moment and that it can’t get any worse. On days like these, I find comfort in cooking— Stress cooking.

When I’m having one of those days and feeling overwhelmed, I dive into the kitchen and start cooking. It can be anything— but more often than not, it is something sweet probably to counterbalance the bitterness of the day. I call it stress cooking. My go-to is usually air fryer recipes, but today, I was in the mood for something special: orange and cinnamon pancakes.

Is Stress Cooking Bad?

Stress is an inevitable part of life, and we all handle it differently. Cooking can be an effective distraction and a productive use of time. For me, it’s therapeutic and helps reduce anxiety. The key is to ensure it doesn’t lead to overeating. Personally, cooking makes me feel relaxed and in control, helping to quiet my mind and focus on the senses—the smell of orange and cinnamon, the feel of breaking eggs, and the process of mixing everything together. It’s about being present in the moment and not lost in stressful thoughts. My mean inner voice goes quiet.

The Ultimate Pancake Recipe: Orange and Cinnamon Pancakes


  • 3 eggs
  • 2 tablespoons of greek yougurt
  • 4 tablespoons of all purpose flour
  • 1 tablespoon sugar (optional)
  • Fresh-squeezed juice from half a large orange
  • Cinnamon


  1. Combine all ingredients in a mixing bowl and mix well.
  2. For added flavor, sprinkle cinnamon on top of each pancake rather than mixing it in.
  3. Cook in a pancake pan for thin, delicious pancakes. This recipe makes about 16 thin pancakes, but you can make fewer, thicker ones if preferred.

Why Stress Cooking Works

Cooking engages the senses and stimulates creativity, which can be incredibly soothing. It transforms a stressful day into a productive and enjoyable experience. Whether it’s the smell of fresh pancakes or the process of preparing the ingredients, cooking can help you find calm and focus.

Try Stress Cooking Yourself

Next time you’re feeling stressed, consider making some pancakes. If your stress level is particularly high, air fryer fries can be a great alternative—slicing potatoes can be surprisingly soothing.

Stress cooking isn’t just about making food; it’s about finding a way to cope with life’s challenges through a rewarding and enjoyable activity. So, next time life gets tough, head to the kitchen and cook up some stress relief.

Ready to try stress cooking? Start with this ultimate orange and cinnamon pancake recipe and discover how cooking can turn your bad day around.

Looking for additional ways to unwind? Explore the calming benefits of adult coloring books in our recent post. You might be surprised how therapeutic it can be!